OceanConnects, a leading Call Centre Company, is excited to announce its vision for the future – an AI-driven transformation of Customer Service. While currently in the processing and research stage of AI implementation, The company believes that AI can be used to improve Customer Service in…
How to improve your Social Media management for your business needs in 2023 As a business owner, it\’s important to have a strong presence on Social Media in order to connect with customers and promote your products or services. In 2023, there are a few…
Have you ever considered Voicemail or SMS Messaging for your Business? Have you ever considered Voice/SMS Messaging for your Business? Your voicemail or SMS messaging campaigns are a new innovative Marketing Tool. It is used internationally and veering towards the retail sectors worldwide and B2C…
How your agents speak to callers at your call centre can be just as important as what they are saying. Words delivered with authority and confidence are better received by customers and prospects. Listening skills and getting through the “Gate Keepers” is equally important and…
Because a local touch makes all the difference You are an Ireland-based business, but your customer base is just over the Irish Sea in UK. Or you have a product or service that can work internationally but don\’t want the hassle or expense of setting…
The All-Ireland Business Foundation has honoured OceanConnects with All-Ireland Call Center of the Year 2021. The Accreditation is an outstanding achievement for OceanConnects as it recognises the hard work and dedication of the team in providing a best in class service to its customers. This…
Setting Virtual Sales Appointments Recent events made it clear that we cannot always schedule appointments or lead generate with CEO’s over the phone with a view to meet face to face and chat over a cup of coffee. Going forward things will be going in…
This year, OceanConnects has been awarded the coveted Business All-Star Accreditation, EU Business and Corporate LiveWire. These are independently verified standard marks for businesses based on rigorous selection criteria; performance, trust and customer centricity OceanConnects has been awarded with the coveted Business All-Star Accreditation Message…
Last week, OceanConnects has been awarded with the coveted Business All-Star Accreditation. It is an independently verified standard mark for businesses based on rigorous selection criteria; performance, trust and customer centricity Message from Helen Rowland, Managing Director of OceanConnects OceanConnects are honoured and thankful to…